How Family Planning impacts Economy?

Family planning is a topic that has made home in many couples our country. Government made it crystal clear through advertisements and every other marketing method about the importance of Family planning. As we all know the fact that India stands at 2nd and comprises of 17.7% of the world’s population but when it comes to annual increment in the population, as per report of World Bank from 2018, it was 1% and it is decreasing significantly. But as we know that these are just figures then what are the after effects of this? The increasing population invites many other problems which is due non-obedience of family planning standards. In our country Family Planning is mainly promoted because of its benefits to health that decreases infant and maternal mortality. The infant mortality is when child dies after birth and maternal mortality is when mother dies at the time of giving birth to the child. Both of these problems call up for proper awareness of reproductive health and usage of contr...