Have a big round of "get-rid"ness for the Biggest Menace :- Pollution

PollutionThe Biggest problem of Earth that has increased with our increased standard of living. Someone has said a right thing that “To achieve something, you need to leave something”. You can take the example of any achievement in your life. Someone has left job to do business. Someone has left their loved ones to fulfil his dreams. Soldiers are standing on borders to save our lives, our country but on the cost of their own dependents.

With our running lives we have knowingly or unknowingly adapted some of the habits which are actually ruining the nature whether its usage of crude oil for energy production or improper waste management of products pertaining to plastics. We do all those ‘anti-atmospheric’ activities for the sake of an easy life.

This problem doesn’t increased suddenly but it took place gradually with Industrial Revolution. Nowadays pollution has spread its legs in water, air, land etc. without which we cannot even imagine our lives. 

Increase in the use of coal and crude oil in energy production and plastic use are one of the major drivers of it. Government is also supporting the efforts towards the ‘Green Revolution’ that can help heal the atmosphere a lot. This Green Revolution promotes the use of Solar Rooftops for the electricity generation (Government is even providing subsidy for the same), Use of cloth bags to avoid usage of Single use plastic bags, Electric vehicles, Biogas production etc. 

One of the main reasons why government is supporting the same is to stabilize the trade deficit of our country as more than 78% of the power production depends on fossil fuels (mainly coal and crude oil) which we need to import from other countries to fulfill our needs. Our high dependency for anything on other countries will leave no control on the prices of the commodity that leads to high volatilty and less liquidity in market. 

This current scenario shows that we need to take out somemeasures to come out of this problems. Government slogans “Bijli Bachao, Desh Bachao (Save Electricity, Save Country)”, “Aao Milkar Kasam Yeh Khayein, Pradushan Ko Dur Bhagayein (Lets Swear Together, Shun Pollution Away)” are having deep meaning in themselves. 

Now its our turn to work together with government to reduce and nullify this problems that will make our life hard to live in future.

#saveelectricity #environment #pollution #pollutioncontrol #renewableenergy #savecountry #makeinindia


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